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ZavoMedia PR Group ZavoMedia PR Group

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From New York, USA

Our ideal customer is a founder, medical and legal professionals, speakers, private equity firms, real estate developers, architects, authors, non-profit and a corporate organization seeking to become recognized, credible and established industry leader. ZavoMedia PR agency has extensive knowledge of offering B2B, B2C, crisis communications, traditional and modern PR campaigns. The team is also able to help clients from a wide range of industries, including personal brands, corporate groups, technology, and real estate development.

Successfully positioned business owners in front of a vast audience of millions. As a Forbes Contributor, an award-winning PR/Media Expert, and the President & CEO of a globally recognized PR Agency, I have achieved notable recognition in the field.

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Online Reputation and Personal Brand Management - Top NY PR Firm ZavoMedia PR Group Globally Recognized Best PR Agency

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