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Sheila2018 , f - 24 |

Sheila2018 Sheila2018

f - 24
From Las Vegas, USA

This is Sheila2018 or Andreea on my real name.

I just came here by accident and I have started to love this place, I feel like I am at home.

I live in Romania, 24 years old.

I was graduated as MasterChef by diplomas and actually I work as Merchant for a huge Romanian Marketplace Enterprise and I have lot of hobbies.

I do love music, arts, nature walks and composing lyrics and yes I am a very spiritual person.

Personally, I have a life lesson for all of you.

What cannot kill you, brings you up. Why I am saying this? Because I had knife at my neck two years ago and I have survived.

I say this as a life lesson.

Be strong and strong energies are coming towards you.

Hugs and cheers,

Hopefully we will be friends. :.

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