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Topic - 'Health & Wellness'

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

Home Remedies Food Poisoning

Preventing food poisoning at home involves a high level of personal hygiene and careful choosing, storing and using of food. Experiencing food poisoning is never pleasant and is very hard to the feeling of a person. This article explains about different home remedies for food poisoning as well as how to prevent it.

Summer picnics, barbecues and takeaway food should be and usually are fun. It`s the aftermath that isn`t always such a laugh. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain are all symptoms of food poisoning, a form of gastroenteritis caused by eating or drinking something contaminated with micro-organisms or by the toxic substances produced by them. If you are suffering, here are some ways to feel better. And , just as important, some tips to make sure it never happens again.

Rehydrate your body

Home remedy for food poisoning no. 1:

One of the potential dangers of diarrhea and vomiting is dehydration. Young children and people who are frail, elderly, or have a weakened immune system are at particular risk. Drink lots of water or water-based fluids. If you`re vomiting, take plenty of sips rather than gulping down a glassful.

Replacing sodium, potassium and chloride is very important if a person, child or adult, has diarrhea or has been throwing up. These nutrients are known as electrolytes and are very important for our health.

One of the best products on the market to rehydrate the body is called Pedialyte. You can buy Pedialyte as a drink, powder form to make a drink and in frozen pops.

Home remedy for food poisoning no. 2:

Replace salts and sugars lost through diarrhea especially if you can`t keep any food down. Try sipping this balanced drink: squeeze the juice of 2 oranges, add 1/2 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons honey. Top up with water until you have 500 ml. Try to drink a glass every half hour in little sips if necessary until your symptoms improves.

Home remedy for food poisoning no. 3:

You can also buy oral rehydration sachets such as Gastrolyte or Hydralute over the counter from a pharmacy.

External Comforters

Home remedy for food poisoning no. 4:

Have a warm bath laced with essential oils. Sprinkle 3 drops each or geranium and ginger oils and 2 of peppermint oil into the bathwater. Soak for about 20 minutes keeping the bath topped up with warm water.

Home remedy for food poisoning no. 5:

Massage your tummy with soothing oil. Add 3 drops of tea-tree oil and 2 drips each of peppermint, geranium and sandalwood oils to 5 teaspoons of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil. Put the oils into a glass and stand it in a pan of hot water so as to warm the oil to body temperature. Use the oil to massage your abdomen in smooth, firm, clockwise circles for as long as it feels comfortable.

Home remedy for food poisoning no. 6:

Ginger counters nausea and vomiting. If you can manage it try chewing a piece of fresh root ginger, crystallized ginger or drink ginger tea.

The Power of Prevention

Preventing food poisoning tip no: 1

Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after using the toilet and before preparing food or eating. Be especially careful when handling raw chicken and wash your hands afterwards and before touching anything.

Preventing food poisoning tip no: 2

Keep kitchen work surfaces, the fridge, freezer and chopping board clean and scrub can openers regularly.

Always wash all cutting boards after using and before putting another food on the cutting board. For example, when you are preparing food, and you use the cutting board to cut chicken, and then you want to cut and prepare lettuce for a salad, wash the cutting board thoroughly after using it for the chicken and before cutting the salad. The same is true for all meat, vegetables and fruits.

Even fruit with a rind, like watermelon or cantaloupe, the skin can carry all types of food borne illnesses like salmonella.

Preventing food poisoning tip no: 3

Disinfect kitchen sponges, dishcloths and dishwashing brushes in a diluted bleach solution at least twice a week and change tea towels on a daily basis.

Preventing food poisoning tip no: 4

Defrost food completely in the refrigerator, not on the bench top, before cooking, and do not refreeze. Or thaw frozen meat in the microwave and cook it straight afterwards.

Preventing food poisoning tip no: 5

Cook raw meat thoroughly and reheat leftovers until piping hot to make sure that any bacteria present are killed off.

Preventing food poisoning tip no: 6

Throw away food that is past its use-by date that smells odd or has fungus growing on it. Be especially careful with chicken and shellfish. Don`t buy or use dented or swollen cans or jars whose lids appear swollen.

Many jars have an indication on the lid, when the lid is turned to open, there will be a popping sound as this indentation pops up slightly. That is to let you know the jar was sealed.

Time to See the Doctor

If conditions persist and or there is blood in the diarrhea, then you should see your doctor right away, as this can show a very serious food poisoning.

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Article Date 2018-05-24 05:09:16

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Garlic and Lemon for Heart and Artery Health

Simple recipe offers help to clogged arteries. Lemon and garlic for heart health

The story goes that, well over a decade ago, a German woman was found to have a dangerous heart condition. She was scheduled to have heart surgery at the famed Erlangen Clinic in Nuremberg, Germany. Having heard of her condition and the fear of the surgery, a friend gave her a recipe to try. The recipe was a combination of simple ingredients and was supposed to help her condition.

Willing to try anything, the woman put together the ingredients as given, drank the concoction as told, and waited. The date for her surgery neared and the staff scheduled her for tests to determine the exact areas for the surgeon to target. After the results of the tests, the woman was told that her condition had changed. The change was so remarkable that now, she was told, no surgery was deemed necessary. The recipe given by the friend had apparently worked. It worked so well that even the doctors at the clinic wanted to know about it.

This is the anecdotal prelude to the presentation of that recipe the author was given over 12 years ago. The gift was from a German friend and customer at the time. Still in the author`s possession, it is presented, verbatim, as it was given to him. Declogging of the Arteries With Garlic and Lemon

`If the blood vessels in the brain or around the heart are clogged up, drink daily one shot glass of the following mixture out of 30 cloves of garlic and 5 unpeeled lemons.

Put the ingredients into a mixer and crunch them into a paste. Bring to boil in one liter (34 Fl. Oz.) of water. But only let it boil for a very short time. Then pour through a strainer into a bottle and keep in the refrigerator. Have your daily shot glass with your main meal.

After 3 weeks only you will feel a regeneration of the whole body. Clogged arteries will get unclogged again and side effects, like bad vision and bad hearing, will get better too.

After 3 weeks only you should take a break of 8 days. Then start the second 3-week treatment. Afterwards the success will be phenomenal. You should repeat this cheap, healthy and unharmful treatment every year. Nobody will notice the odor of the garlic. The powers of garlic and lemon will work to their fullest extend (sic).

Sleeplessness will be gone, the arteries are free again. One lady was able to cancel heart surgery, since bloodfat and clogging had vanished.

This mixture even works against Paradontose.`

There are no claims made as to the benefits of this simple elixir by the author. He has used it once every January since it was presented and, at 58, has no history of heart problems. Perhaps it is coincidental, perhaps not. The recipe is given here as freely as was given to him.

The amount the material makes is roughly a quart. One shot glass taken each day lasts about 21 days.

The vitamin C in lemons is shown to strengthen artery walls. Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits known to science and have many benefits for the human body. Studies have shown that garlic thins the blood and has high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has indicated that both foods are beneficial for heart health and are shown to reduce artery blockage.

`Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.` -Hippocrates.

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Article Date 2018-05-24 05:15:43

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